About “See the veil for what it is”

About “See the veil for what it is”

It is likely that any article written by a white male journalist that starts with a title like “See the veil for what it is” would raise my hackles. So when I saw the article today I had a bit of a reflexive response: here’s another white guy, with little demonstrated understanding of women’s issues, feminism, or Islam, about to tell us what the veil really is.

Derek Abma and National Post misrepresent views of Elliot Diringer

Derek Abma and National Post misrepresent views of Elliot Diringer

On November 30th, Derek Abma wrote an article for the National Post, claiming that the journal Nature, and one of it’s authors, Elliot Diringer, was recommending that we let the Kyoto accord die. While the article gets many small facts and half truths right, Abma manages to misrepresent the essential argument by Diringer. But that’s…

National Post amplifies racism by the Lieutenant Governor General of Newfoundland and Labrador, John Crosbie

National Post amplifies racism by the Lieutenant Governor General of Newfoundland and Labrador, John Crosbie

For anyone that hasn’t heard, John Crosbie told a joke about a Pakistani suicide bomber last week. Strangely, it occurred at the inauguration of his new position as Lieutenant Governor General of Newfoundland and Labrador. The joke was racist. The provincial government of Newfoundland has admonished Crosbie, saying the joke was inappropriate. But they came…

‘Normal’, ‘special’, and the art of marginalization

‘Normal’, ‘special’, and the art of marginalization

I have a warm fuzzy place in my heart for the engineers and other technical specialists with a penchant for math and a lack of understanding of social nuance, connotation or tone. Heck, in many contexts, I’m the ignorant cis white guy that doesn’t understand the impact that my language choices have on others. But I…

Alberta oil pr

Alberta oil pr

Given my interest in science, public relations, web design and climate change, I have been thinking for a while about building a site with some social and moral relevance to the world I inhabit. I have been building a website about climate change soundbites.

New tagline

New tagline

Some recent blog posts about bias and hypocrisy have got me thinking about how the heck we know stuff. How the heck do we know stuff? What counts as justification for our beliefs. And why are we wrong so often? These are questions that get me riled. They always have…

National Post on global warming climate destabilization

National Post on global warming climate destabilization

The National Post has a decidedly denialist narrative. Do a search for “National Post climate change” and you get a series of articles on the brave scientists “bucking the conventional wisdom.” Or, if you prefer the second choice, you get a series of article tagged “climate change” by Peter Foster, Lorne Gunter and Rex Murphy:…

About my photo blog

About my photo blog

I’ve created this section of my personal blog with the intention of taking more photos on my cell phone and share them in real or almost real time. I take a fair portion of photos with a better camera but I’ve found that I’m less inclined to publish them to the web. And I enjoy…

Why Brigette DePape is more thoughtful than David Akin

Why Brigette DePape is more thoughtful than David Akin

If you don’t know the name, Brigette DePape, you should. She risked, and lost, her job to say what most Canadians believe. Maude Barlow thinks she is “courageous and committed.” Elizabeth May thought that she undertook an act of personal courage. And, importantly, DePape’s press release and other publications are thoughtful and articulate. But my…