What's new // Design


I do graphic design and communications work professionally. You can find my portfolio over at Pink Sheep Media. Here’s a few articles on design.

Sculpture, Dave Parsanishi

Dave Parsanishi

This short video featuring the art of Dave Parsanishi is interesting to me, in part, because I’ve seen several of his detailed sculptures, in person. But I’ve also had the pleasure of speaking with Dave about aesthetics and the psychology of presentation…

Alberta oil public relations

Alberta oil pr

Given my interest in science, public relations, web design and climate change, I have been thinking for a while about building a site with some social and moral relevance to the world I inhabit. I have been building a website about climate change soundbites.

Socrates and Plato at the agora: Raphael

New tagline

Some recent blog posts about bias and hypocrisy have got me thinking about how the heck we know stuff. How the heck do we know stuff? What counts as justification for our beliefs. And why are we wrong so often? These are questions that get me riled. They always have…

Tim Ball, fraud

Russ Campbell, Tim Ball and climate change (I mean global warming)

Media coverage of global warming, ahem, has been divisive. If you are a busy person trying to understand global warming, you might get a little confused by reading the National Post, the Calgary Herald, or Russ Campbell’s blog. It’s partly because of the lack of critical discourse about many self-proclaimed climate experts’ credentials…

A black and white image of an old punch card machine with a punched card in it.


Subscribe to my newsletter update I’m not entirely sure how often I’ll be sending out updates. My hunch is that I’ll be emailing about once every two months or so. Maybe once a month. It’ll be about stuff I put on my blog mostly. subscribe to my newsletter! * indicates required Email Address * First…