What's new // Epistemology


Epistemology is the philosophy of knowledge. How do we know things? By what methods? What is merely belief, and what is warranted, justified, and rational.

A small human stands on cliff overlooking a great divide in Norway.

The look, and the social nature of knowledge

When I was growing up I was bad with context. Super bad. My young logic-oriented self just did not understand humans and their social “nuance.” I’m still trying. Perhaps I’m practical-intelligence deficient. But, luckily, I’ve had a fleet of friends and colleagues who’ve helped me and I am grateful. They’ve held my hand tight, so…

Science comms data visualization about scientists on Twitter

Scientists on Twitter: Preaching to the choir or singing from the rooftops?

I tend to think that comms advice for scientists is also comms advice for everyone. Here’s an interest look at some social graphs and reach by scientists on Twitter.  Communication has always been an integral part of the scientific endeavour. In Victorian times, for example, prominent scientists such as Thomas H. Huxley and Louis Agassiz…

Civilization is paid for with taxes

Five historical misconceptions, demisconceptualized

I grew up in a subtly, vaguely, self identifying Norwegian household. We ate lefse and told stories about lutefisk and had a Norwegian version of the lord’s prayer installed in our kitchen. But, most poignantly, we believed Vikings had horns on their helmets. Turns out that’s probably bullshit. We were also pretty much wrong about…