Feminists’ Rock Camp!

Feminists’ Rock Camp!

Wow. For all of those who rock, and are feminists, we salute you. Ever dream of rocking out on stage? This event is put on by Soumya Natarajan and, although I won’t be attending, I will be going to the Feminist Rock Camp Showcase on Sunday, August 22 (Fort Street Cafe, Victoria, Coast Salish Territory,…

A black and white image of an old punch card machine with a punched card in it.

The Buddha Bear

This bear is sitting in a kind of relaxed pose with his legs almost crossed. And his, well, pawms are turned up. It looks like sitting meditation. Check it out here. I was trying to think of an appropriate caption – but if he is the buddha bear, then his mind would be empty right?

A black and white image of an old punch card machine with a punched card in it.

The voice of Lynn Strongin

Lynn Strongin’s recent publication, Portraits in Glass and Light, is a collaboration with photographer, Penelope Weiss. We designed it and we’re unabashed fans of Strongin’s poetry. I’m writing about the book because I’ve been asking Strongin for months to make a short sound recording. Words on the page are great. But the spoken word, even…