When Love Hurts, third edition published by Penguin Random House
Congratulations to Jill Cory and Karen McAndless-Davis who, with Penguin Random House, have published a third edition of their book, When Love Hurts, A women’s guide to understanding abuse in relationships.
If you don’t know about When Love Hurts, it’s an excellent read for anyone that wants to know more about how to understand violence, and men’s violence, especially in the context of a relationship.
[tweetthis hashtag=”#vaw”]When Love Hurts is an excellent read for everyone.[/tweetthis]
I had the privilege of reading the book many years ago, as well as work with McAndless-Davis and Cory on the second edition and the book has helped me immeasurably to better understand partner violence. It makes me deeply happy that Penguin Random House has recognized their book for publication and we’re all hoping that it improves the reach of the book and it ends up in more hands.
“When Love Hurts is a great resource for any woman who is tired of taking the blame for a painful relationship. If you wonder why the man you love is hurting you — and what you can do about it — this book will give you all kinds of useful information and strategies for changing your life. Just as importantly, it makes it clear that you are not responsible for his abusive behavior.” – Jackson Katz author of The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help
Table of contents
To help eveyrone to get a sense for the practical and intellectual value of the book, and to help encourage our readers to get a copy, read it and share it with a friend or family member, I will provide a list of the table of contents headings:
About the Authors
Foreward by Lundy Bancroft
Why We Wrote the Book
Allison’s Story
1. Am I Experiencing Abuse?
2. What is the Cycle of Abuse?
3. How do I Experience the Cycle of Abuse?
4. What Are the Different Types of Abuse?
5. What’s the Abuse Doing to Me?
6. Am I Responsible for the Abuse?
7. Why Is My Partner Abusive?
8. What’s This Doing to My Kids?
9. Am I Getting the Support I Need?
10. Should I Leave My Partner?
11. How Do I Heal from the Abuse?
Author Bios
Read the When Love Hurts blog
One last thought. If you’re interested in reading more about our culture and politics and social context, through the lens of these authors, I strongly recommend checking out their blog. They cover some current events, but most importantly, they provide insight to anyone trying to understand the dynamics and impacts of violence in our culture.
This is an awesome post, Sherwin! Thank you for this. There is an obvious connection between emotional intelligence and When Love Hurts and, as you mention, I encourage everyone to read this book. For men, it helps to understand so much about why some men abuse women and, hopefully, it will help some men to realize that they are abusing women and that they need to stop. And for those of us who have known about abuse, but didn’t know what to do, it helps to provide information on how to best support someone who is experiencing abuse. Obviously, I think this is a critical and important book for everyone to understand more about abuse in relationships and what do to about it.