Toshiba is financially supports the National Post public relations on climate change

Toshiba supports the National Post public relations campaign obfuscating climate change

Do a search for the name, “Jim Hansen” on the National Post website and you get only two hits from 2012 and 2011. Both hits are about NASA, which is good, since Hansen is the leading climate scientist at NASA. Unfortunately, both articles promote the protestations of 49 former NASA employees that accuse NASA of being “extremist” and “activist” in its analysis of climate change.1

Neither article mentions that Jim Hansen has recently won the prestigious Edinburgh Medal for his contribution to science. Neither article mentions that Hansen has recently called for a global tax on carbon emissions. Neither article mentions that Hansen has recently published a scientific paper with seventeen other experts, including climate scientists, biologists and economists, which calls for an immediate 6% annual cut in CO2 emissions.

In short, both articles work to promote climate change ignorance and inaction. And when I did the search the first time, Toshiba was the advertiser. When I did the search a second time, TD Canada trust was the advertiser. That means that TD and Toshiba are responsible for paying for this failure in reporting.

TD Bank supports the National Post public relations campaign against climate change

The National Post is a public relations office for hire. That’s not journalism. For real information about Jim Hansen, or NASA, you should check out this Guardian article or this wikipedia article.

  1. You cand find these articles at and