View from a ferry
Spaceship on the membrane between two, not so blue, oceans. #bcferriesjuxtapose
Spaceship on the membrane between two, not so blue, oceans. #bcferriesjuxtapose
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the ambient misogyny and racism (and more) that floats…
Headlines matter. Publishers know it. Good headlines help with the understanding, reach, and impact of a…
I tend to think that comms advice for scientists is also comms advice for everyone. Here’s…
This is a question that comes up from time to time regarding knowledge transfer in reports…
I like Maclean’s about as much as I like the National Post. They’re rightwing, partisan, and…
From time to time I like to check in on how news orgs are doing with…
When an idea is “intuitive” but also steeped in a culture war we have a heightened…
Am I a dog or a bird? Best feet ever. #hairlessfergus #fergusthedog #fergusthedoggy
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