Drawbridge in YYJ
Time for a trip to Ucluelet soon to re-up my notebook situation. Cedar House Gallery
When we stare at paradoxes long enough, they can sometimes lose their mystery. When this happens…
I’m voting for proportional representation. I hope you do too, friends. #prorep #bcpoli #yyj #victoriabc #pr…
Hi neighbour. Hello Autumn. #StellaAndBunny #CatsOfVicwest #StellaTheCat
When Margaret Wente was getting busted repeatedly for plagiarizing, her publisher, The Globe and Mail, more…
https://www.wnyc.org/story/breaking-news-consumers-handbook-islamophobia-edition/ Guardian Reuters
If news orgs are serious about being good partners in mitigating misinformation, they need to link…
My local gym and community centre is awesome. It’s a little less than three kilometres from…
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