Bridge #ux #tech #drawbridge
A draw bridge has an interesting user experience. Both while on it, and waiting for it.
A draw bridge has an interesting user experience. Both while on it, and waiting for it.
Last year I used TimelineJS to create a nice interactive timeline of some misogynist tweets by Colby Cosh. After we added HTTPS to our website, the article never properly encrypted…
I found these images on Tim Irvin’s blog, here and here. And so striking, they are, I decided to build the following animation. Keep in mind, that it took Tim’s back yard about one week to do this. If you missed it, just click the photo for a replay or wait about eight seconds and…
99% Invisible did an episode on the interrobang recently. I was interested to learn that early Greek and Roman writing didn’t have spaces! Rack that up to stuff I took for granted. Apparently an ad man in the sixties developed the interrobang…
These giant metal flowers remind me of public art at the University of Calgary campus…
I’m an admirer of the minds behind GeoMemes, and I was visiting their site recently and noticed that they had embedded the advertisement below. It’s not something I would expect to find on the home page of their website. But as the tech nerds at GeoMemes point out, something important is happening this week.
AMERICAN HUMANE monitored the animal action. No animals were harmed.
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