This outside cat is tough and cuddly

Alpha, beta, something

Math was probably the class that I most often got to use Greek letters in. Well, maybe physics. We used Delta as a symbol for change. We used pPi to express the relationship of the radius of a circle to it’s circumference (or area). And we used Sigma to express a sum. I think. And that’s just it. I’ve always had a shaky grasp of the αa-beta. So, for my own reference, and possibly yours, here we go:

  1. α Alpha
  2. β Beta
  3. γ Gamma
  4. δ Delta
  5. ε Epsilon
  6. ζ Zeta
  7. η Eta
  8. θ Theta
  9. ι Iota
  10. κ Kappa
  11. λ Lambda
  12. μ Mu
  13. ν Nu
  14. ξ Xi
  15. ο Omicron
  16. π Pi
  17. ρ Rho
  18. σ Sigma
  19. τ Tau
  20. υ Upsilon
  21. φ Phi
  22. χ Chi
  23. ψ Psi
  24. ω Omega

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  1. Well, maybe. Although WordPress makes it so simple with their symbol palette, it’s really just a bunch of clicks. I am enchanted though by the number of steps it takes to render those symbols in Georgia. I don’t quite grasp, yet, the relationship between ASCII, unicode, binary, etc. And like, if it’s Greek it shows up, but if it’s Cyrillic, it doesn’t. I would need to change my doc type to unicode but I seriously don’t know if the php would work then! I’m not sure if BlueHost is set up for that. Anyway, I’m getting more attuned to this now that I’ve stopped using my “plain text” editor and started using Text-Wrangler more. Maybe I’ll write a post called “The Myth of the Plain Text Editor”! :)

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