The more generations that pass by, the more obscured women’s lives are, by waves of patriarchal…
If news orgs are serious about being good partners in mitigating misinformation, they need to link…
Journalists complain about the rise and impact of public relations. It’s the “dark side”. Public relations…
I’m voting for proportional representation. I hope you do too, friends. #prorep #bcpoli #yyj #victoriabc #pr…
99% Invisible did an episode on the interrobang recently. I was interested to learn that early…
Hi neighbour. Hello Autumn. #StellaAndBunny #CatsOfVicwest #StellaTheCat
When I was growing up I was bad with context. Super bad. My young logic-oriented self…
I’m awed by Ayla Brown’s handmade design. Oh wow, turns out there is more art where…
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