A black and white image of an old punch card machine with a punched card in it.

Globe and Mail editorial: Canada 150

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/indigenous-peoples-and-the-need-for-a-way-forward-made-in-canada/article34568640/ Murray Sinclair: http://aptnnews.ca/2017/04/04/sen-murray-sinclair-blasts-globe-and-mail-for-propagating-racist-fallacy/ Establishment newspapers propagate myth of the empty land and then wonder why trust in #journalism is low. #cdnmedia https://t.co/QSC0COHEVB — Sherwin Arnott (@sherwinarnott) April 4, 2017 Why don't residential school survivors 'get over it'? @SenSincmurr respondsLISTEN @TheCurrentCBC https://t.co/a4171t8i6Q#thecurrentMMIW pic.twitter.com/bZxGxy53rn — CBC Radio (@cbcradio) April 4, 2017   The Globe's Editorial position on…