Drawbridge in YYJ
The Supreme Court of Canada, happily, was not moved by Trinity Western University’s claims that they weren’t hurting gay folks. And the Supreme Court was not moved by the claims by TWU that they…
Thanks @oliveridley for the free range, chocolate covered Saskatoons! They are… berry good. #saskatoons
On my view the news media in Canada have, by and large and in the long run, misrepresented the concept of jihad. They have positioned jihad as a form of villainy. In so doing they have portrayed Islam as a peril…
If you read Canadian journalists on the topic, you might not understand that jihad has some very nice meanings. Most Canadian journalists seem to commonly misrepresent the concept. It’s not just them, mind you. There’s lots of misrepresentation of jihad to go around…
Here’s the A Section of the Globe and Mail. It’s the BC edition for June 2nd, 2018. There are 19 reports and 5 opinion pieces. I counted the weather section on page 22 as a report, and also the Donkey Kong “Moment” on page 2, but nothing on the cover. The cover is arguably editorial…
This is from coffee in Quadra village yesterday. @acuchanchan was willing to pose while I checked settings on my Nikon – thank you
Thank you for your design and communications help @hannahrhoslyn
So I’ve been experimenting with microblogging on Mastadon, micro.blog and Tumblr. I decided it’s time we have our own self-hosted WordPress microblog…
Unintentional coffee art experiment. Oh Friday. No humans or cats were hurt to do this art. Luckily cc @palmerpa1mer
Sunday is drawing day lately. Good church for atheists and others. (@gildashannon) #buttdrawingforthewin #sherwindraws
Some more information here on microformats for microblogging: micropub. Also, here’s my outpost on micro.blog.
A good read on microblogging, and how to set up WordPress for microblogging using post formats. Good points.
Here we go. Microblogging tools: Custom post type Plugin to help with custom URLs Function to help with auto generating titles from content Function to help with auto generating URLs from titles Optional plugin to clean editor interface including titles For display: microtopic-taxonomy.php ?? single-microblog.php archive-microblog.php Hmm, here’s an alternative method: https://torquemag.io/2015/05/adding-microblog-within-wordpress-blog/
Testing publishing a microblog with no title. :) Works great: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/52896/force-post-slug-to-be-auto-generated-from-title-on-save Now I just need to figure out how to move the title down in interface.
First, autogenerate title from post content with a function. Then, autogenerate permalink from title with a function (plugin). Then, heh heh, hide the title.
What happens when I publish with no title? Titles are friction. http://help.micro.blog/2018/setting-up-wordpress/ But titles from the post title in the head. And title also form a meaningful permalink. This is interesting how micro.blog handles titles: https://sherwin.micro.blog/2018/02/22/check-testing-squrrk.html This makes sense to me; the first few words form the permalink and the page title. Hmm, permalinks should include year…
How a heartwarming news story about an interesting linguistic phenomenon widely mislead people that there are no words to describe that spell different words when they’re reversed…
Best socks ever. Thanks friends. Dobby is a free elf.
The Sun is Setting on the British Empire. #CarolTheverge #MarianneNicholson #AGGV #YYJ #VictoriaBC #LkwungenLand #BritishEmpire
I hope everyone (UVic students) votes and votes yes! Yay violence prevention and yay supporting survivors! Yay @anti.violence.project! #UVic #UVSS #uvicpix #victoriabc #letsgetconsensual
Trick or treat
Who wouldn’t want to drop by and talk about all the cool free events happening this fall on campus by @anti.violence.project