There are more ads than articles in the June 2nd BC Edition of the A Section of the Globe and Mail.

Ads versus articles in the Saturday BC Edition of the Globe and Mail, A Section

Here’s the A Section of the Globe and Mail. It’s the BC edition for June 2nd, 2018. There are 19 reports and 5 opinion pieces. I counted the weather section on page 22 as a report, and also the Donkey Kong “Moment” on page 2, but nothing on the cover. The cover is arguably editorial…

A black and white image of an old punch card machine with a punched card in it.

Here we go. Microblogging tools: …

Here we go. Microblogging tools: Custom post type Plugin to help with custom URLs Function to help with auto generating titles from content Function to help with auto generating URLs from titles Optional plugin to clean editor interface including titles For display: microtopic-taxonomy.php ?? single-microblog.php archive-microblog.php Hmm, here’s an alternative method:

A black and white image of an old punch card machine with a punched card in it.

What happens when I publish …

What happens when I publish with no title? Titles are friction. But titles from the post title in the head. And title also form a meaningful permalink. This is interesting how handles titles: This makes sense to me; the first few words form the permalink and the page title.  Hmm, permalinks should include year…